The Enthusiasts' Page


All things 'Maserati'. News of forthcoming models, owner's cars, tips, 'Marque' reunions and the odd touch of humour! In fact anything of interest to the 'Maseratista'.

So if you have any news about Maseratis or have anything owners and enthusiasts should know, send details to

Trident logo casting on the
intake manifold of a Ghibli MY94
You can click on some pictures for a better view!!
TEAM ALINGHI, the winning America's Cup team, visit Maserati

On the morning of the 12th December, members of the Alinghi team, recent winners of the America’s Cup, visited the 'Casa del Tridente'.

Following the decision to hold the next America’s Cup in Valencia, Spain, the Alinghi staff - the Swiss consortium that managed to bring the prestigious Cup back to Europe for the first time in 152 years - is already busy preparing for the 2007 challenge.

Skipper and Executive Director of Alinghi, Russell Coutts, and Marketing Manager, Nick Masson, took the time to visit Maserati in Modena during their stay in Italy. Greeted in the new showroom by Maserati CEO, Antonello Perricone, the pair were able to admire the entire range of the company's vehicles - the Spyder, Coupé and Quattroporte - and were spoilt for choice when shown the endless personalisation options available on the cars.

They were then taken on a tour of the factory where they stopped by the production line and took the wheel of a Spyder and a Coupé, moving on to the Panini Museum to view its collection of classic Maseratis.

Research into new hi-tech solutions and exclusive new materials, and the desire for stirring emotions, are ideals common to both Maserati and Alinghi.

Text by Maserati

From Mecanic Import in Belgium

More images of the Mexico Special. My sincere thanks to Monsieur Rodolphe de Biolley of Mecanic Import for his permission to publish these photos.


to view the full technical specification CLICK HERE!


Also on view at Mechanic Import, this stunning recreation of a Tipo 151, Le Mans race car.

News from Rossano of Repartocorse

"Ciao Enrico,

Allora al motor show non sono andato causa impegni e anche a causa del tempo, il giorno previsto per la gita da me ha nevicato e da quello che mi hanno detto gli amici i 22 euro dell'entrata non valevano la manifestazione, nelle moto per es. suzuki, yamaha, kavasaki non si sono presentate, nelle auto la quattroporte è stata eletta la vettura più bella forse perchè era anche l'unica novità, comunque due miei amici ci andavano ieri e gli ho chiesto di fare alcune foto.

Well, I didn't go to the Bologna Motor Show after all; something cropped up and the weather was bad. On the day I had intended to go it snowed, besides, judging from what my friends had to say, it wasn't worth the €22.00 entrance money. In the motorcycle section for example, Suzuki, Yamaha and Kawasaki did not attend. In the auto section, the Quattroporte was voted the best looking car; maybe because it was the only new car on display. Anyway, two of my friends went yesterday and I have asked them to take some photographs.

Sabato sera io e Claudio Ivaldi siamo andati a cena come ospiti BCI alla cena di fine anno dell'Alfieri Maserati Club persso un ristorante ove abbiamo mangiato divinamente, il sig. Campana proprietario di una officina Maserati ha omaggiato i soci del club e pure noi due con un libro non in commercio realizzato per la presentazione della nuova 4porte, il titolo è: La storia, e raccontain 140 pagine l'evoluzione del modello 4 porte con numerose foto, considera che in Italia è stato donato dalla Maserati ai 100 personaggi VIP che sono stati invitati alla presentazione della vettura a Milano, Campana come officina li ha richiesti alla Maserati per i suoi clienti più fedeli, questa gli e ne ha inviati pochi esemplari e gli ha chiesto di distribuirli solo ai possessori importanti, per cui è un gradito omaggio sopratutto introvabile, potresti richiedere a Candini se riesce a procurartene una copia.

Saturday evening, Claudio Ivaldi and I were guests of the Biturbo Club Italia at the Alfieri Maserati Club's Annual Dinner held at a restaurant where we ate divinely. Sig Campana, a Maserati garage proprietor, presented us with a book, not available to the general public, commemorating the launch of the new Quattroporte. The book, 'Quattroporte: The History'' contains around 140 pages covering the evolution of the Quattroporte, with numerous photos. Bear in mind that here in Italy, copies of this book were presented by Maserati to the 100 or so invited VIPs at the initial presentation of the new Quattroporte in Milan. Campana as an official garage owner asked Maserati for some copies to give to his most trusted customers. Maserati sent him just a few books requesting that they should only be given to his best customers. For this reason it is a rare free gift. You should ask Candini if he can get you a copy.

Dopo essere rientrato a casa dalla cena alle 2 di notte, sono passato da un locale ove lavora un amica, ho tirato le 5,sono andato con lei a fare colazione ed alle 7 sono rientrato a casa ove fatta una doccia e cambiato d'abito. Alle 8 ho raccolto il necessario e sono partito per andare al pranzo di fine anno del BCI (Biturbo Club Italia) con ritrovo previsto per le ore 11 a Modena, temperatura -3°, autostrada gelata e da Brescia fino a 10 km da Modena c'era nebbia, poi arrivato a Modena alle 10.30 ha iniziato a splendere il sole, radunati i soci pervenuti da Roma, Torino, Milano, e pure dalla Sardegna siamo andati a porgere una corona di fiori al cospetto della tomba di Gigi Villoresi (pilota Maserati), il prete che è stato invitato dal club ha celebrato alcune preghiere e di un socio che con la sua tromba ha suonato "il silenzio", fatta questa doverosa opera siamo poi avviati verso il ristorante la Tramontana, in centro Modena dove abbiamo gustato un sostanzioso pranzo in allegra compagnia.

I didn't get home until around 2 o'clock in the morning, so I went to a local bar where a girl friend of mine works. I stayed there until 5 and then we went for breakfast. I finally got home at 7, showered and had a quick change of clothes. At 8 o'clock I got myself together and left for the End of Year Lunch of the BTI, having previously arranged to meet up in Modena at 11. The temperature outside was -3°C, the autostrada was icey and from Brescia to Modena it was foggy. By the time I arrived in Modena, at 10:30, the sun had come out to greet me along with club members from Rome, Turin, Milan and even one from Sardinia. From there we went to place a wreath at the grave of Gigi Villoresi (pilota Maserati). The priest, who had been invited by the club, said a few prayers and one of our members played 'the last post' on his bugle. Having paid our necessary respects we carried on to the restaurant La Tramontana, in the centre of Modena where we enjoyed a splendid meal in good company.

Al termine del pasto verso le 15 ci si è salutati prevedendo anche il viaggio di rientro degli intervenuti.

The meal ended at around three o'clock given that some members still had a long journey home.

Claudio Ivaldi ti saluta anche se non è potuto venire a Modena per un impegno di Nozze, Augusto Marcuccio auspica una tua presenza al prossimo raduno internazionale che gli amici di Roma stanno organizzando facilmente si farà da quelle parti intorno a maggio/giunio Antonio Scarpetta e Claudio Bencardino ti tingraziano per le Stampe che mi avevi mandato, ti invio le foto della maniestazione, nelle foto fuori al cimitero dietro le vetture puoi notare uno stiscione realizzato da me a pennello che finalmente ci fa riconoscere anche tra gli altri.

Claudio Ivaldo sent his regards even though he couldn't make it to Modena as he had to attend a wedding. Augusto Marcuccio is expecting you at the next International Rally being organised by our friends in Rome for May/June 2004. Antonio Scarpetta and Claudio Bencardino thank you for the print that you sent me. I have attached some photos of the event. In the photo taken outside the cemetry, you can see the banner that I painted that at last distinguishes us from the others.

Ultimo appunto, tornando a casa in autostrada viaggiando tranquillamente a 150 km/h mi sono visto sfrecciare una Ferrari 360 Modena tallonata da una 4200GT come dire che li lasio scappare? Scalo in 4 accelero e dopo 1 minuto li riagguanto, loro viaggiavano a 210-220 km/h ma quando mi hanno visto arrivivare alle spalle il 4200GT si è spostato mentre il Ferrari ha provato af accelerare, ma alcune vetture lo hanno rallentato, dopo essermi divertito un poco ed aver scattato alcune foto con macchina fotografica nella mano destra a 240km/h ho deciso di rallentare e tornarmene a 150 visto che ero troppo stanco per guidare ad alta velocità dato che ero sveglio dalle 5 di sabato mattina. Le foto in autostrada non sono centrate dato che non avevo tempo per prendere la mira.

Finally, whilst driving home on the autostrada at around 90 mph, I saw a Ferrari 360 Modena followed by a Maserati 4200GT fly by me. I changed down into 4th gear and within one minute I had caught up with them. They were travelling at around 130/135 mph but when they saw me arrive up behind them, the 4200GT pulled over while the Ferrari tried to accelerate, but the few cars ahead slowed him down! After enjoying myself having taken a few photos at 150 mph, I decided to slow down to a more leasurely 90 mph, as I was feeling the effects of having been up since 5 o'clock on Saturday morning. The photos taken on the motorway are a little off-centre as I didn't have much time to take proper aim.




PANORAMA BITURBISTICO - Classic Biturbos adorn the car park! On the left you can see a BMW E30 M3 belonging to a member from Milan and a rare classic Ape 50cc three-wheeler pick-up truck.


Augusto Marcuccio, president of the Biturbo Club Italia, and Mike Hoffer, of the mh-team, place a wreath at the grave of Italian racing driver Luigi 'Gigi' Villoresi. On the grave is a photo of Villoresi as his many fans will best remember him, at the wheel of a racing car.


Photos showing part of the group and the Ferrari of a member from Rome who took advantage of the fact that his wife wasn't coming to take it for a blast. Apparently, she prefers his Maserati Quattroporte. Obviously a lady of good taste!


A member's Biturbo 420S and Augusto Marcuccio's Biturbo.


On the autostrada a 4200GT has to give way to my Biturbo Si and the Ferrari 360 I followed till I decided to ease up!


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